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CyberKnife has been delivering lung treatments in a non-invasive, effective way for 15 years, since it was first approved by the FDA as a viable treatment to cancerous and noncancerous tumors. Due to the CyberKnife System’s advanced technology, the treatment can be used on many tumor types, even those too complicated for traditional surgery. A recent study compared CyberKnife SABR to Surgery for “Operable” early-stage lung cancer, and showed a more favorable outcome to patients that had their lung tumors treated with CyberKnife.


CyberKnife treatments work by delivering radiation with focused, pinpoint accuracy. The CyberKnife is unique in its ability to track and follow the lung tumor while the patient breathes naturally and treats with extreme precision. Because the treatment is so accurate, the exposure to the surrounding tissues, organs, and nerves is limited. Additionally, there are never more than 5 treatment sessions, with side effects minimal enough that patients are often able to go about their lives, even on their days of treatment. CyberKnife is the only technology in the world that offers real-time, tumor-tracking imaging, providing a level of accuracy that no other treatment option can achieve.